Once upon a time …
In 1934 grandfather Angelo together with his brother Giacomo began the wonderful adventure that still today are the Bagni Vittoria.
From that date, three generations have dedicated themselves with passion and tenacity to our structure, making it a point of reference for families that have become over time, more than normal customers, a true soul of the establishment.
Today, under the skilful supervision of father Giacomo, Vicky and Luca coordinate the management of 147 cabins and 200 umbrellas, in a lively, dynamic and very playful environment!
"The cabins are all in wood, they are a precious gift that our old ones have left us and that we mantain every year, with care and attention as a treasure!"
.... , Vicky is keen to point out that his grandfather made them all alone over the years, so a real example of vintage art that goes well with the eco-friendly spirit that the family Ratto has always loved.
Come and visit us!
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Bagni Vittoria Rapallo
Via Avenaggi, 1, 16035 Rapallo GE
Tel: 347 033 8367
Pec: bagnivittoriasas@pec.it
P.I. 00168780997